
Renata Spuria, was born in Sicily, but lives and paints under the name of Renée in Rome.

Following a holiday in Rhodes where she was inspired by the intense and vivid colours of the island, coupled with what was already part of her heritage due to her roots in Syrcuse, the cultural heart of Greater Greece, she suddenly put paint to brush with a verve that had previously escaped her and so began her journey in art.

Each painting is an encounter with her inner voice, the existence of which forces her to focus on issues which, at times, she would like to put aside but which ultimately she cannot ignore. Her paintings contain an interesting mix of harmony and aggression. Her technique is informal but direct and her paintings speak of the artist’s emotional and spiritual journey.

Renée exhibits her work in Rome, Assisi, Cortona and Florence. 

His works are also on show at the official site of ENCICLOPEDIA d’ARTE ITALIANA - "General catalog artists from 900 to date".

italian version